My Story, My Why

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I am Aneeka, a Registered Midwife, Hypnobirth Teacher, Tongue Tie and NIPE Practitioner and most importantly a mother to 5 amazing children. 

It had always been a passion to become a midwife (cliché) I know but it’s the truth. I thought I knew what it was to be a midwife and knew that I loved babies. I can laugh at that now because there is so much more to it. It wasn’t until after my second child that I decided to initiate my journey to become a midwife. On this journey, I also found out I was dyslexic, which explained secondary school and some life challenges.

I started my midwifery journey in one of London’s busiest maternity units and was definitely thrown in the deep end. I had a great team and they helped me fly. Over my years in the NHS, it became very clear that the support and care that families needed and deserved was not always achievable and not because we didn’t want too but because of  the many challenges which continue in the NHS today. It was these challenges, that made me consider Independent Midwifery. Again, this came with its own challenges due to lack of insurance for labour care. However, this made me more determined to offer families the continuity of care they deserved.

It was during my maternity leave with my last child, that I decided to take the plunge and start my independent journey. My focus initially was antenatal and postnatal care but after the challenges I had with feeding my last 2 children even with my midwifery knowledge I decided to deepen my expertise and help other families. I signed up to classes to become an IBCLC and Tongue Tie Practitioner. What I have since learned, is that all my children had tongue tie and explains:

  • My 1st refusing the breast after taking the bottle at 2 weeks and being told just keep trying he will get it.

  • My 2nd being toe curlingly painful for about 4 weeks and I suffered with over supply. I had assumed this was normal, he lived on the breast and was the fattest baby ever. I hide my face knowing what I know now.

  • My 3rd didn’t latch well and resulted in my milk taking long to come in and ended up in hospital requiring phototherapy for jaundice. The consultant was amazing had agreed it was due to my son being tongue tied. He referred him to the surgeon, who came and dismissed all our concerns saying the procedure would be purely cosmetic and not necessary. It makes me so angry now. I was lucky to get referred to the unit I worked and got it divided and breastfed for 22 months. We faced some other challenges with feeding and solids but I’ll save that for another day.

Which brings me to my most recent journey. Again, not latching very well. Mouth not opening wide. Reduce urine output (though they tried to reassure me knowing that I was a midwife). Minimal weight loss on day 5. I had also been topping up with expressed colostrum as she had been in NICU and once I stopped topping up the weight gain slowed. I knew something was not quite right but did not realise she was tongue tied as it was very posterior. A colleague suggested I get it checked and there it was. Again, we got it divided and breastfed for 21 months.

(Yes, I have 5. My 1st princess I did not birth)

And those 4 very different circumstances are why I am here today as a holistic Tongue Tie Practitioner making parents, health care practitioners and anyone willing to listen aware of all things tongue tie and oral dysfunction (my family are most certainly tired of hearing about it lol).

I was very fortunate with my journeys and lucky I had some knowledge but for many this is not the case. Aiyana Holistic Services was birthed and here I am doing all things Midwifery, Infant Feeding and Tongue Function. I hope I can be of some help to you or someone you know. Have a look around the website and see the services offered

Thank you for reading and hope you will come back

Aneeka xx

Tasha Dobie

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